Our services:

Commissioned Research

We address your research questions through a practical study, socio-spatial analysis, user-perception assessments, needs analysis, and impact evaluation. View our most recent research projects on https://www.vitalcities.be/en/research.

Neighborhood Scan

This scan examines whether residents are sufficiently encouraged and facilitated in their surrounding environment to engage in physical activity and sports. It provides insights into potential improvements in local sports and recreation spaces and identifies opportunities to further promote physical activity. The scan consists of four steps:

  1. DATASCAN: Analysis based on public data
  2. NEIGHBORHOOD SCAN: Evaluation based on design principles for active environments
  3. PARTICIPATION SESSIONS: Interactive workshops or walk-along interviews with key target groups and/or local activation to gather ideas via our YET app
  4. REPORT: Visual reporting of results with recommendations

In addition, we offer similar programs within a school context in collaboration with Vital Schools. 

Furthermore, we have developed a specific program to assess neighborhoods for opportunities to engage in urban sports, in close collaboration with local urban sports communities. Find out more about this process here. 

Co-creation of active spaces

In close cooperation with the target group, we develop strategies to bring public spaces to life. We specialize in participatory processes, using creative and innovative methods to reveal and visualize the needs and desires of users. During the process, we co-create solutions that contribute to an inclusive, active environment. We use different creative and interactive methods to co-create spaces:

• Hackathons: The hackathon is a design sprint that focuses on designing spaces, activities (?) and communication tailored to the needs of the target group. This design may include defining specific spatial requirements, identifying desired activities, and determining the most effective communication methods and channels.

• City Makers Lab: In collaboration with the Mind and Makerspace of Howest University of Applied Sciences, we inspire children and youth to use various maker techniques to turn their ideas about space into concrete designs. This could involve 3D printing, building wooden scale models, or visualizing ideas via printing techniques, clay, acrylic paint, and more.

• Walk & Talk: The purpose of this interactive walk is to gain insights into how the target groups experience their neighborhood, the challenges they face, and the improvements they wish to see. The walk starts at a central location in the neighborhood and follows a route that passes by several key spots in the area.

• Youth Panel: The youth panel aims to provide a forum where local young people can voice their opinions, explore different viewpoints, and learn how to impact their environment. This workshop addresses the questions that local policymakers, organizations, educators, or teachers have for the local youth. We formulate answers to these questions through debates, exploring opposing viewpoints, and using active working methods. As a result, we produce a podcast in which youth share their answers, opinions, and ideas on the questions posed. Additionally, we compile the key answers in a written report.

(Coming soon) YET (Youth Engagement and Environment Tool) is our mobile app (smartphone/tablet) that allows young people to easily and creatively turn their ideas for public spaces into images and collages and share them with policymakers, designers, developers, and others. Along with the app, we offer an educational package that can be used in classes on sustainable usage of space. The educational package is based on the sustainability principles of the Flemish Government and is linked to educational purposes related to spatial awareness. Find more here.

Custom Projects

Our custom projects are long-term collaborations in which we apply our expertise in project design, implementation, and impact evaluation. We create unique projects tailored to specific requests, ranging from activating young ambassadors in a sports and physical activity context to study trips to cities with inspiring sports and activity infrastructure and active public spaces.

Development of Tools and Resources

We collaborate with various partners to create attractive and accessible tools and resources tailored to your needs. Discover our most recent tools here

Custom Lectures and Workshops

We offer seminars and workshops that are tailored to the specific interests of the audience. During our interactive inspiration sessions, we share insights, case studies, practical tools, and innovative ideas. Find out here at which conferences and inspiration days you can find us. 



Our aims: to meet, connect, inspire, and share knowledge! One of the ways we do this is by giving lectures at conferences and knowledge days. Discover where to find us this autumn!

How can we integrate outdoor play into an urban environment? We started examining this question together with the city of Bruges and developed a useful framework and tool to detect opportunities for play.

We explore the increasing space-related and infrastructural challenges of urban sports in collaboration with sports federations and local governments.

From knowledge and insights toward informed choices and innovative, broadly supported urban policies. We use a structured method to identify the existing urban sports landscape of cities and communities.

In collaboration with several Bruges city services and local residents, we explore opportunities for more exercise in the district.

Club Brugge’s Olympiapark as an added value for the neighbourhood: how can its offer, animation, and promotion be aligned with citizens’ needs and requirements?

Howest values your privacy. We therefore only process personal data that is necessary for our operation and to be able to offer you an optimal service. We handle the information we have collected about you with care. This document describes the processing of personal data for the specific context of Howest Yet.