Team Vital Cities

Wij zijn een interdisciplinair onderzoeksteam dat samenwerkt vanuit verschillende kennis en ervaring.
Naast ons kernteam kunnen we ook rekenen op een uitgebreid kennisnetwerk binnen Howest. Dankzij deze brede waaier aan expertise benaderen we uitdagingen steeds vanuit diverse invalshoeken.

Our top team

Lore Cuypers

Lore Cuypers

Human Movement Sciences & Environmental Psychology
Ann Decorte

Ann Decorte

Social Transformation Processes & Impact
Eva Saelens

Eva Saelens

Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion
Anton Renard

Anton Renard

Mobility & Social Economy
Tom Broekaert

Tom Broekaert

Architecture & Design of the Public Space
Veerle Dubuy

Veerle Dubuy

Health Promotion with Seniors & Age-Friendly Cities

Need support?

Need support?

Our research and expertise centre offers knowledge, inspiration, and support to organisations, federations, and government bodies that want to create a sustainable, active, and liveable environment which is tailored to its users.


We carry out practical studies on the design of physical and social environments, as well as how they affect people’s behaviour and the choices they make. This research primarily relates to the use of public spaces for sport, exercise, play, relaxation, and coming together.


We provide knowledge, inspiration, and support to organisations, federations, and government bodies that want to create a sustainable, active, and liveable environment which is tailored to its users.


We offer custom training, workshops, and lectures.